How To Create A Blog For Free

Step 1: Pick the right blogging platform (WordPress)

Before you can even start worrying about how your site will look like, you'll need to choose your blogging platform
There is a lot to choose from. You are able to create a blog with many different blogging platforms, such as WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger and more…

But since there are more than 72 million active users utilizing WordPress today, it is clear which platform is your boss. My own blogs and websites are constructed with WordPress blogging platform.
 Here's why:

It's FREE for all to use (such as themes, layouts and add-ons that lots of other blogging platforms do not provide).

It's super easy to establish.

It is protected; WordPress is always updating their applications and maintaining everything sound and secure, so there's scarcely a worry of having your site come under hacking attacks. Regardless of Facebook, NASA and even college sites are using WordPress.

It is highly customizable. There are hundreds of free plugins and themes that add additional functionality to your site, from touch and join boxes to plugins that enhance blog functionality and much more.

While another blogging platforms are generally all pretty OK, nothing in my opinion has ever come close to matching the freedom and customization choices that WordPress offers. So with no doubt, go with WordPress. Particularly when you're just starting out.

Why You Need ton't create a site on a free blogging system?

Without a doubt, you need to self-host your WordPress blog.

Think about it -- what famous, successful blogger you know is having a free blogging site like “" instead of their own domain name like  "", for example?

It is not merely that -- totally free blogging platforms have other issues too -- including...
You don't control your content -- the blogging system does. They can shut down you any moment, and for any reason. Do not believe me? Read this.

The web address of your site will probably be long and difficult to remember (such as rather than a catchy, branded speech you choose.

You are not permitted to market on most free blogging platforms, making it much harder to ever make money from blogging.

All of these limitations apply to the WordPress.COM blogs. What you really want is to self-host a WordPress site - it is the identical software with the limitations!

If I had been you, I'd begin with a self-hosted blog in my domain from day one. Preparing a blog in this way is WAY easier and less expensive than you think.

Locating a domain name and web hosting provider

Today to exciting part! To Prepare a self-hosted blog in your domain name, you'll want two things:
Domain name -- This will be your private blog address where folks find you over and over again. For example Google's Domain Name is Your brand new blog domain name will probably be, but you will choose what is going to be supporting YourNewBlog. The cost of a domain name is generally $10/year, but if you follow this manual all the way, I'll show you how to get one for considerably cheaper.

Web hosting - This will be the home of your blog address and content that is on the site. Without web hosting, you're going to be unable to use your domain. Consider it as a pc hard drive that stores all your content on your site (images, blog posts and so on). The expense of web hosting is usually somewhere between $2-5 per month.
It is less than the XL java at Starbucks, so it won't break the bank. But it's a significant investment to your site success.

Where should I get my domain name and hosting?

In regards to hosting, there are only two things that matter.
Page load rate -- The average amount of time (in seconds) it takes your site to load.
Uptime - 99.9% is not enough (it's 42 minutes of downtime per month). You should be aiming for 100%. All of them provide you with a similar ceremony (domain + hosting) using a similar cost, but since I've dealt with and tracked many famous and recommended web hosting companies such as Bluehost, iPage, Godaddy etc...

I now only use and recommend for domain names and web hosting.
Nothing has ever come near HostGator Concerning blog load speed and uptime
HostGator has excellent functionality, they are easy to use and it is probably the best pick for novices.
But you may always go with a different web hosting as long as it is fast, reliable and offers unlimited bandwidth & storage. This can help you to avoid problems in the future.

Now that we've gone through the basics of blogging platforms, it is time to start walking the walk! With another step, we'll get your blog set up and running. If you're not ready yet because you still should think of a domain name or can't establish a blog right away, that's fine.

Step 2: Set up a Website in your domain title (tabbed WordPress)

Should youn't have a hosting or a domain name yet -- do not worry. I'll be showing this in a minute...
At the conclusion of this step (two), you will have a completely working self-hosted WordPress site on your own domain name!

If for some odd reason you do not want to utilize HostGator, you may always choose another hosting provider. I can not guarantee they'll be that great, but the registration and the setup procedure ought to be some things similar. Some hosting companies do not have one click install for WordPress. If that's the case, see this manual for installing WordPress manually (not suggested for novices, though).
Proceed to and then click "Start Your WordPress Blog".

Remember: Since I am using HostGator by myself also, I have negotiated a discount for those who use this manual (72% off). This reduction ought to be applied mechanically.

Already have a domain name?

Simply write it in the right box (I already have this domain) and continue moving to the next step by scrolling down a little.

How do I select a good domain name?

Choosing a terrible domain name is one of the most common errors I see bloggers create. Make certain that you choose a domain name that is...

1. Simple to Recall -- Don't choose a nonsense name, something tough to spell, or a very long name filled with dashes. "" won't ever stick in someone's mind, but something such as “" rolls off the tongue.

2. Distinctive and Descriptive - You want a title which reflects who you are and everything you care about. Be creative and construct an identity you're enthusiastic about!

3. Attempt to avoid crazy extensions such as ". Rocks" or ". Biz", as these are less commonly used, tougher to remember and not as trusted.

If the name is available, you'll have the ability to maintain it. If it is unavailable, choose another one.
When the name you desire is not accessible, HostGator will show you a few alternatives that are similar -- or you'll be able to punch in a new name and try again. I'd recommend you to use something that ends with . com, . net or . org

3. Choose your blog hosting plan

I recommend the "Hatchling" strategy for today -- you could always upgrade later in the event that you decide you want more advanced features, but you get more than enough with the Hatchling.

4. Complete your registration

As soon as you've selected Hatchling program and found a name you enjoy that is available, you'll need to register it by putting in your contact and billing information.
You will also have an opportunity to customize your package a bit. This is a chance to save some more money, so don't skip it!

I would take a look at every one of these extra services to find out if you desire any of them.
Log in to your new account and install WordPress blog

It might take a few minutes to get HostGator to enroll your account, so be patient. You need to find a confirmation email as soon as your account is prepared.

Once you've logged in to your control panel (all the info that you require for this should be on your own inbox) , it's time to install WordPress. Thankfully, this takes just one click!
Log-in to a Hostgator control panel

At the top click "Get Started With WordPress Today"

When WordPress is not there for some reason, scroll down a little bit about the control panel and then click on "Quick Install" beneath the Software & Services section. Consider the top of the page, in the left sidebar segment for WordPress.


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